Friday, April 15, 2011


Besides observing English language classes, I will be doing some seminars for teachers.  My hosts have arranged for a variety of these: some for a small group of ex-pat volunteers, some for university teachers, some for large groups of local middle and secondary school teachers.  Some are just me talking, but most involve audience experience and interaction.  Overall, I'm covering eight topics on 20 plus occasions.  I love the process of anticipating needs, thinking creatively, pulling ideas together, and planning how to engage the audience.  No matter how much "wisdom" I've accumulated or how hard I prepare, I still get nervous.  Am I giving these hard-working teachers something valuable? Am I on target for this context?  Am I speaking so the audience gets it?  Today I'm wrapping up final details on my last presentations. Praying Colossians 3:17.  --Kitty

1 comment:

  1. Come thy Fount of many Blessings (along w/ Lee and Kitty everywhere they go...)
